The structure of a Lantz Driver
Lantz is a Python automation and instrumentation toolkit that allows you to control scientific instruments in a clean and efficient manner writing pure Python code. All Lantz drivers classes are derived from Driver , which provides the infrastructure and boiler plate code to perform common operations. Logging, timing, async calls and other features are enabled by sub-classing from Driver. But usually you do not subclass from Driver directly, but rather from a specialized class depending on the way you communicate with your instrument. For example, if the instrument is controlled over RS-232 (Serial), you sub-class from SerialDriver . If it is controlled over TCP, you sub-class from TCPDriver . There is also a class for GPIB and there be soon will for USB. All these classes belong to the same family as they communicate with instruments by exchanging textual messages. They share a common interface and therefore it is very easy to build drivers that support different commu...